These playful birds are also known as parakeets or budgies. Photos just don't seem to do them justice.
I recommend choosing the best bird as pet from this list:

Big colorful pet birds. The live bird, small animal, and reptile areas are currently otherwise roped off to the public. We may enjoy looking at birds with certain colours in their feathers, beaks and other body parts. Still, for those who prefer an easygoing bird, a dove might be an excellent fit.
This article showcases 10 of the most colourful birds. Big colorful parrot, birds of tropical paradise. Just as their name suggests, they do hunt for fish as well as other aquatic animals.
The scarlet macaw is definitely a colorful bird with a lovely personality. These birds are known for their pleasant cooing vocalizations, though some people might find it annoying that the cooing rarely ceases while the bird is awake. If you have a pair of birds name them by some famous pairs:
The largest of these species can grow to 29 inches and weigh up to 1.5 pounds. You can identify them with their big heads, more massive bills, and big bodies. Among the largest and most colorful birds in the world, the scarlet macaw is predominantly a stunning red color with a white face and blue, yellow and green wings.
The kingfisher will always remain one of the most colorful, exotic breeds of birds. They have blunt broad tail feathers and large heads. Like cockatiels, they are affectionate, easy to care for and a lot cheaper than other, more exotic birds.
Photo about perch, beautiful, animal, exotic, wild, tropical, parrot, beak, feather, colorful, isolated, parrots. Also we have more than 20 bright, colorful and hand raised bird species. In addition, their social behaviour has encouraged us to keep them as pets, and they have found a place in poetry and popular music.
Watch on youtube while these parrots mostly eat nuts, seeds, berries and insects, they can often be seen in a flock eating clay from riverbanks, which is believed to neutralizes toxins found in some plant species eaten by these parrots. Big colorful parrot, birds of tropical paradise. With a maximum length of 20 inches and a weight of up to 19 ounces, these are large birds that require a bit cage or outdoor aviary.
Quite territorial, so they suit people who only want one bird. More than 150 kingfisher species are existing globally. Pet bird and parrot behavior;
We have big range of birds accessories, cages, foods, toys, bird bath tubs. The toucan bird is perhaps one of the most recognizable due to its colorful and very large bill. Doves can be sweet and gentle pet birds that aren’t noisy or demanding of attention like many parrots.
Its body is usually black with a white throat and chest. They have grey wings, an overall black underparts, and a very prominent disk crests over their bill. With unexpected deep violet markings on the plumage of their tails, they sport a visually impressive color palate.
We have very big collection of accessories like traditional cages, backyard aviaries, food, health products, toys, seeds and mirrors. In our store you will find everything you need for your birds. Finches are small, colorful birds you will enjoy watching and listening to.
These parakeets are fairly easy to train, and they hardly ever bite. There are dozens of different breeds of parakeet, but the most popular by far is the budgerigar, or budgie. Likely to prefer being in their cages, provided they are big enough for flying;
About 25 percent of bird parents keep some type of parakeet, making this colorful breed the most popular pet bird among parents, according to the appa. They sing nice but not too loud. On the other hand, the female birds are orange to brown in color and have smaller crests.
They do, however, only have a limited tolerance for being held. Pet names | birds named by color. They can grow between 4 and 12 inches in length.
The bill and iris of regent bower is yellow. The budgie is also an excellent choice for those who want a gentle bird. It is endemic to australia and feeds on insects, fruits and berries.
See more ideas about colorful birds, birds, pet birds. Icey, frosty, cotton, bianca, snowy, doc, pearl, milky;
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